Wills, Powers of Attorney & Enduring Guardian Appointments
Please make an appointment today to organise your Will. We can hold your Will in safe custody until it is needed and will take all necessary steps to ensure that your wishes are followed. We currently hold over 5,000 Wills for clients.
Enduring Guardian Appointment
An Enduring Guardian is the person chosen by you to decide social, personal and lifestyle decisions on your behalf when you are not capable of doing this for yourself. Your guardian, if properly appointed, will be recognised by Health providers. This is important if you are ever unable to give valid consent for emergency treatment.
So, if you are over 18 years of age, you can appoint a guardian. You choose which functions or decisions you want your enduring guardian to make, and you can give your guardian directions on how to carry out these functions.
These important decisions can become suddenly necessary if you have a serious accident or stroke. The enduring guardian can give the urgent consents to operations and can ascertain information from health providers without the problem of privacy issues.
Power of Attorney Appointment
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives another person the power to deal with your assets and financial affairs while you are still alive. It can be limited in time or function.
Granting a Power of Attorney to an individual is a serious decision. The attorney must look after your financial and legal affairs and must be responsible, knowledgeable and experienced. By your appointment, you must be able to trust them to ensure that they act in your best interests.
A Power of Attorney can be revoked or cancelled by you at any time as long as you still have mental capacity.